The Mason's // Port Angeles Wedding

I'm so excited to share this one with ya'll! Mikayla and Austin's wedding was stunning in every way. I couldn't help but obsess over their ceremony,  I even cried a little bit it was just so perfect. I absolutely love it when couples make a point to include Christ in the center of it all. Watching them come together, and see their families and friends unite to celebrate a beautiful beginning was the best thing to witness. Not to mention the forest fires that weekend created a stunningly golden lit evening for us all. It was a true treasure to be present and capture their wedding day. 

With These Rings

I was recently asked to capture something super sentimental and special. Caitlin and Travis invited me to accompany them as they created each other's wedding rings in Port Townsend, Washington at With These Rings. It was such an intriguing experience to watch. I was pretty impressed when I discovered that they would actually be making each other's rings from beginning to end. All from scratch. All on their very own. You would think that doing this type of thing would require an assistant to put in a lot of the elbow grease for you. That's not the case, which is what makes this process so much more rewarding. The very helpful and talented Stephanie was so great at teaching and guiding while also being sure to let Caitlin and Travis do every step of the way on their very one; only helping hands on very minimally to make the experience even more meaningful. How many people can say they made their husband or wife's wedding ring?! Seriously, how cool is that?! Now that I know of this, I want all of the 'yet to be married' people to keep this in mind for future reference. I think this is such a unique experience and I would highly recommend going to With These Rings for not only a memorable story, but some seriously beautiful one of a kind wedding rings.

Thank you so much for letting me shadow your ring making journey, it was such a treat!